Grant Copeland is Graduate Research Assistant in the Medical Device Innovations (MDI Lab) Lab run by Dr. Robert Hood in the Mechanical Engineering Department at UT San Antonio. Grant comes from DFW, Texas where he attended UT Arlington from 2013- 2017, competed in Cross Country and Track and Field all four years, and received his bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering. In Spring 2018, Grant started back at UT Arlington in Mechanical Engineering began working in the service industry. After taking undergraduate Mechanical Engineering courses Spring and Summer 2018, he started graduate school in Mechanical Engineering at UT Arlington in Fall 2018. At the same time, he began an internship at the UT Arlington Research Institute (UTARI) where he worked extensively with silicone and elastomers, mold design, and test engineering. Looking to find better opportunities for his desired career, Medical Device Industry, he applied to UT San Antonio. In Spring 2019, he was admitted and made contact with Dr. Hood. In August 2019, Grant became a Graduate Research Assistant for Dr. Hood. The MDI Lab, Grant is project lead on the IV Patency and DHA 6.7: Supraglottic Airway Device projects. He plans to finish his graduate degree in Mechanical Engineering at UTSA in Summer 2020.