Monica Elbjorn, PM, LSSBB, CSM, MS


Monica Elbjorn is a current lead project of the Medical Design Innovations Laboratory (MDI Lab). She has been nominated as the Graduate Student Association (GSA) chair for Fall 2022.

Monica is an Advance Manufacture Enterprise Engineering senior graduate student at the University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA). Currently, she’s pursuing a Thesis on Multi-Stage Polymer Drug Delivery System for Cervical Cancer. Her project includes a controlled release micro implant, which is manufactured using 3D CAD modeling, as well as an aluminum metal mold fabrication using different biomaterials such as polycaprolactone (PCL), poly lactic acid (PLA), and polyethylene (PE) polymers. She has experience using incubators to produce a controlled environment and taking samples by measuring the absorption of Rhodamine using a UV Spectrometer to analyze the sustained release rate per surface area.

Monica Elbjorn enjoys working in healthcare as a Quality Systems Engineer for Arjo, a Global Medical Device Company. In the future, Monica Elbjorn hopes to continue her passion for leading projects though by improving current medical devices through biotechnology.

Active Projects

  • Multistage Polymer Implant


  • Mentor for career advancement in the industry- 2022
  • Fall 2022 Chair of the GSI Medical Design Innovation Laboratory - 2022
